
Joomla: Adding a pdf to an article – JCE

Joomla: adding a jce image popup group

Joomla: A new page linked to a menu

Joomla: adding & aligning images in articles using jce

Adding a News Story

Adding a news story to the Latest News Blog

1. Login into the website

From the main control panel choose News

2. Add new item

Click New Item Button

3. Item Type

Select the Article item type

4. Creating the News Story

You will find a series of fields to fill in – fill in any details required. Most field as self explanitory, but if you need more help fully detailed steps are below.
  1. Name: Name of News Story
  2. Published: Set to Yes if you are ready to have the story seen on the website
  3. Comments: Choose is you want people to be able to comment on this story
  4. Category: Choose the category for the news
  5. Date: If you neeed a date other than todays, set here
  6. Subtitle: Enter text here
  7. Text: The main body of your text
  8. Teaser Image: Upload an image here for the intro news page
  9. Image: The main image for the story
  10. Media: If you have a Youtube etc video add the url here
  11. Related Articles: If you have other news item you would like to add links to
  12. External Related Article: If you want to add links to other external websites
  13. Download: If you have a document for viewers to download add the link here
  14. Social Buttons: Choose where or not you want links to social media channels with this item.

4.1 Name: Name of News Story

  1. Add the title of your news story
  2. This title will appear on the website in these positions
  3. Slug: This will be created automatically, but can over ridden here, if a customn url is required for this page

4.2 Published: Set to Yes if you are ready to have the story seen on the website

4.3 Comments: Choose is you want people to be able to comment on this story

4.4 Category: Choose the category for the news

Currently you will need to use the Latest News category

4.5 Date: If you need a date other than todays

  1. click here
  2. choose the required time and date
  3. click done
  4. this is where the date will appear on the front end of the website

4.6 Subtitle: Enter text here

The Sub title will appear on the feedfor the news and the news item page

4.7 Text: The main body of your text

  1. Select paragraph from the format drop down – this will ensure your text matches the rest of the website – no other styling is necessary (such as choosing a font of font size)
  2. Begin typing here.

4.8 Teaser Image: Upload an image here for the intro news page

A Teaser image is the image that will appear on the main news page
  1. Click the select image button
  2. if the image you want to use has not already been uploaded here you will need to upload your image
  3. scroll to the bottom of this window until you see the browse button
  4. click the browse button
  5. select the image file from your computer
  6. click the start upload button
  7. scroll back to the top and select your newly uploaded image
  8. click insert

4.9 Image: The main image for the story

A main image is the image that will appear on the news items page
  1. Click the select image button
  2. if the image you want to use has not already been uploaded here you will need to upload your image
  3. scroll to the bottom of this window until you see the browse button
  4. click the browse button
  5. select the image file from your computer
  6. click the start upload button
  7. scroll back to the top and select your newly uploaded image
  8. click insert

4.10 Media: If you have a Youtube etc video add the url here

  1. add the url of your video
  2. the url from Youtube will be similar to this
  3. clicking the options button allows you to set a width and height and to choose where the video will auto play or not
  4. your video within the news item

4.11 Related Articles: If you have other news item you would like to add links to

4.12 External Related Article: If you want to add links to other external websites

If you need to create in link to another website
  1. add the url here
  2. click the show options
  3. enter the text that will make the link
  4. choose if you want the link to open in a new browse window

4.13 Download: If you have a document for viewers to download add the link here

The document need to first be loaded into the media manager In the top menu Click Content Media Manager The media manager will open Here you can make new folders Click the upload button The browser button will appear, allowing you to choose a file from your computer Click Start Upload Return to your News Item  

4.14 Social Buttons: Choose where or not you want links to social media channels with this item.