
Joomla: Adding a pdf to an article – JCE

Joomla: adding a jce image popup group

Joomla: A new page linked to a menu

Joomla: adding & aligning images in articles using jce

Adding links to Chronoforms

If Flying Pixel has built your website for you and has built your forms using the Chronoforms extension, then you will be able to place links to these forms anywhere within your website.

Step 1


Once you are logged in to the back end of your Joomla website, you will find the Chrono Forms in the components dropdown

Step 2


Select "Forms Management" from the Chrono Form menu

Step 3


From here you will see a list of your forms and a column giving links to the forms.
1) find the form you want to use
2) highlight and copy the link code for the form

Step 4


Open the article you wish to add the link to
1) Highlight the piece of text you want to link to the form

Step 5


1) Click on the link making tool – a new window will open

Step 6


1) In the URL box paste in the form link that you had previously copied
2) Click the Insert button

Step 8


1) You will see you text has now become a link which will take people to the form.