Adding Product Variants Virtuemart 2

Adding Product Variants Virtuemart 2

Adding a size or colour variant to a product

Adding a Variant that effect the shopping cart, and shows the details in the shoppers cart

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  1. Login to Joomla
  2. Components
  3. Virtuemart
  4. Products
  5. Custom Fields
  6. Select New

Add a New Custom Field for Sizes

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  1. Select Cart Variant
  2. Add a title people will see on the front end
  3. Set to published
  4. Choose YES
  5. In default add your chosen wording for the sizes, separated with semi colons
  6. Select List
  7. Save

Add these Variants to a Product

Add these Variants to a Product

  1. Return to products
  2. Select the product that requires the variant
  3. Custom Fields
  4. You will see your new custom field - from the drop down choose the Size Field
  5. A variant will be added below
  6. Change to the size required first

Add more sizes

add more sizes

  1. Select the size field again
  2. A new variant has been added
  3. Change this to another size
  4. If required add any extra this size would cost

Save and visit the from end of the website to view the product

Size Variant has been added

size variant added

More variants can be added in the same way

Monday, 04 February 2013


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